Last night, my brother had to go shopping. For some of the basics. Yup, our hometown is a little chilly. And he isn't quite ready for the weather. So we all got into the car and went to Wal-Mart. My brother seemed a little overwhelmed to be quite honest. I wanted to help him, but at the same time, I think it was important that he do this without all of staring at him. Like he was an exhibit or something.
So I convinced my mom to come with me. To pick up a few things that we needed. It's a good thing my cousin's baby shower is coming up! My mom and I went to the baby department and looked for a little while. We also made our way to the fabric department. Had some material cut. And picked up some odds and ends. Oh, and we went to get some donuts with my dad.
My brother, well he was trying to get as much as he could for his dollar. I could see he wasn't only overwhelmed, but a little stressed. I felt bad. But it was good for him to get out there and get these things done. To buy stuff that he needs. And to start his new life.
This is only the beginning for him. There is so much to come in his life. Lots of change. I think a lot of things will change now that he got some shopping under his belt. 2 hours of Wal-Mart and a basket full of stuff, we made it to the register. I could tell he was really excited when we left the store. And was super excited to try some of his new stuff on.
Unlike the rest of my family, when we got home, I stayed up. They all went to bed. And I sat and thought about our trip to Wal-Mart. In fact, I live not even a mile from a Wal-Mart. And I never think twice about having to go pick up something. OK, I do think twice. Because I'm a cash-strapped college student. But what I'm getting at, I don't think twice about going to a store, a restaurant, or wherever. I just get up and go.
But tonight, I realized, not all people have that ability. To just get up and go. It was nice to see my brother doing this. Getting to pick out some clothes. Looking through racks. Trying on belts and looking for a jacket. Doing a little shopping. And getting the things that he needs, or maybe just wants. I think it's a really important step. It's all about the baby steps right now. ♥
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